Friday, December 19, 2008

Poor? Good? Great!

Think of Goldilocks for a moment. She didn't settle for just poor or good - she wanted great! And so should you!

So go back and make your good postings even better!

I have some posts I frequently link to because they have useful content - but I ran across one today that I had an idea to make it even better after I read it.

Which is why I suggest you review old posts regularly.

Just think about what you can do with a post which was good that is now fantastic?

1. You can use it as an article to advertise your blog.

2. You can file it under the label of Best Posts.

3. You can use it to entice new readers.

4. You can put it in a newsletter to reignite old subscribers interests in your blog.

So pursue greatness and you'll reach new heights of blogging success!

Aged success seeker,
CB Webmaster

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