Saturday, December 13, 2008

How should I label my posts?

I figure out what labels to make for my posts by doing a search within the blog (see that search box at the top of this blog) for a phrase I think I've used often.

Then I edit the relevant posts by adding that label.

Example: Say I know I've spoken a lot about how to advertise a blog - well then in the search box I type in the word: advertise.

The search will return ONLY postings that have the word "search" in them.

Then I use the find shortcut: Control + F to search for that phrase on that page instead of manually scrolling down and scanning the text for the word/phrase I searched.

This brings me directly to each hit of that word/phrase.

And then I can determine if the reference to the word is worth placing in that category or if it was just a reference that is not really about that topic.

So that's it!

The ever so thoughtful,
CB Webmaster

P.S. Find out more on how to label here

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