Thursday, December 4, 2008

How to Create Hyperlinks in Your Blog Postings!

Wait a minute what the heck are hyperlinks? It just means instead of people having to look at unsightly long urls you can hide those and just show the name of the link.

So you don't need to have any HTML experience to do this - you just need to know the exact HTML code.

What's an HTML code? You do not need to know this - trust me (but if you really wanna know then click here).

Just enter this code in to your blog posting and it will do the "magic" for you. Of course that's assuming your blog host allows hypertext markups - if you're using they do!

If you're not using and your host doesn't allow hypertext you can easily start your blog in in less than 5 minutes if you really want to. Or you can just join Chatblog and we'll set up your blog for you for free!!!

First things first, see if there is any icon on your blog posting screen that says "insert link" when you move your mouse pointer over it - it should be right around the options to Bold and Italicize text. If you do great! Click on it.

If nothing happens you'll notice at the top of your web browser a note asking for your permission to open a window. Click on it and select that option that says you want to grant permission.

Then click on the icon again and a window should pop up with a space to copy and paste a URL. Just paste the URL that you want hyperlinked into that pop-up box, then click OK. This is what should appear next:

< a href="">< /a>

Now all you have to do is enter a title for this link right before the < /a>

Here's an example:

< a href="">Title of Link< /a>

That's it! Voila! You're done! Check it out! And you'll see the text is highlighted and when you click on it it goes to the website you wanted! Yippee!!!

In the event that your blog host does not have an icon you can still do this don't worry! Just copy and paste the following HTML Code into your blog posting and enter the actual url and link title:

< a href="http://"> < /a>

Just remember to put the link title before < /a> for the link to work properly!

Please note in reality there should not be any space between the bracket and the letter.

For these html codes (which are normally hidden in web pages) to appear I had to leave a space with these brackets:

< a href

< /a>

So make sure when you copy and paste the HTML code to remove those spaces. If you have any questions feel free to email me.

That's all there is to it!

So why not try it right now?

Looking forward to your success,
CB Webmaster

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