Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hey that's MY idea!

When you get ideas - a lot of times they are triggered by something you read from someone else online - that's okay. But I like to do the following:

Provide a hyperlink to the blog posting/article that inspired me within the content of my blog posting.


Well because:

1. It's nice to give credit where it's due (we do live in a society afterall ppl! lol Common decency is making a comeback or so I hope :)

2. You are providing a solid helpful link to your readers.

Which creates happy readers because they just got a helpful link handed to them without having to do any of the leg work to locate it! (look closely and you will see your readers jumping for joy and nodding their heads - "Yep that's what we want!")

And what do happy readers mean? More Rss subscription sign-ups, more references, more links to your blog posting, etc, etc, etc. This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

3. It gives me an easy way to return to the original posting whenever I want! (My very own personalize bookmark system!) I can always go to the blog and at the top of each blog there is a Search button to search within the blog which will easily locate the bookmark for me in the event that I forget which posting it was in.

Just think - your bookmarks can travel with you whereever you go instead of sitting uselessly at home while you're off and about having a good time! Put those lazy little buggers to use! lol Give them their walking papers...oops I mean shoes :)

Oh and in case I didn't mention it don't just rip off other people's ideas (see note above on common decency). I'm talking about using their posts as jump off point for your own idea.

Respectfully yours,

CB Webmaster

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