Saturday, December 13, 2008

Help I forgot to Add a Title!

Help I forgot to add a title and now the URL for my post is the first line of my blog post!


I know scary! That happened to me! (You won't believe it but I made this error when I first posted the Quote Posting Guidelines! lol! I know I know tsk tsk lol)

Here's what happens in

If when you create your post and you do not create a title for it initially then it will by default select the first line of text in your post as the URL for the post.

Note: If you have tons of comments on your post - you don't need to re-title it - people have found it! That's the only reason to re-title a post's URL in the first place. Skip doing this whole process and just manually enter a title in your post's edit window.

To find out why is it so important to title your posts - click here

So Here's how you can fix your Permalink to display the Blog Posting's Title:

1. Copy and paste your entire blog post into a text file.

2. Delete the blog post.

3. Create a new blog post.

4. Copy and paste your entire blog post into the new post.

5. And most importantly remember to put a title on it this time!

Then click: PUBLISH POST

Oh and if this doesn't solve the error, if you're using, make sure your: Show Title Field is set to ON. If it's off it will not use the title of your blog for the URL.

And If you need to learn how to copy and paste scroll to the bottom of Quote Posting Guidelines for instructions
(it's right under the text: How to Hyperlink).

And remember to add the existing labels before you delete your old post - because if this is the only post under a specific label that label will "disappear" from your labels and you'll have to do it over again! Just click: Show All. Add the labels THEN delete the old post.

And don't worry - even if you had tried to correct the title error by making a title after you posted it and now both the old and new post have the same title it won't affect the title. You'll still be able to create the "new" post even with an identical title and then be able to delete the old post as soon as you're done labeling.

Aaaagh but how can I tell which one's the old post when I'm deleting?

Good question.

Before you create the new post - make note of the timestamp on the old post.

That way you can differentiate which one's the old post (which you will be deleting)


which one is the new post (which will essentially take the old post's place)

What about existing comments and links to your post?

Well I don't know but I assume they'll be deleted so you'll have to copy those over to the new blog posting as well. Simple enough if you only have 1 or 2.

That's all for now folks,

CB Webmaster

P.S. To avert the title problem get yourself into the habit of adding your title before you begin writing your post.

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