Thursday, December 18, 2008

Breathe - Just Breathe!


I know I don't need any more in my life! So how the heck did something I decided to do for fun start to add more pressure to my load?

When I sit back and think about it I honestly feel duped - not by all the people out their claiming this and that - but duped by myself - for falling into the trap of believing if I don't do everything in my power in every minute of my free time to promote my blog then I'm never going to get any readers at all!

Wow talk about a load to push onto someone!

And there's a lot of that going on right now. And it's not as explicit as all that.

Very subtly people are "persuading" bloggers that to get any results they have to dive in full force and put in more effort into blogging than they even put into other important areas of their lives - like family, career, and even personal free time.

The "ALL-IMPORTANT" getting your blog to the top of Google's search results is ever so daunting yet ever so ridiculous in the grander scheme of things.

How did I get so duped into believing that I should invest all my efforts into this one tiny aspect of blogging? Actually it's not even an actual aspect of blogging!

Geez! It's really amazing how subversive text can slip into our unconsciousness if we're not paying attention.

So keep alert! Don't let anyone dictate to you how you "should" invest your blogging time.

After all you began blogging for fun! So do it for that purpose and that's all that really matters!

But wait I have no reader base? So? Is that the end of the world? Does that mean you should stop writing? Well if you answered yes to that last question then maybe you should stop writing because that means blogging is not a fun hobby for you, it has become something far removed from its original purpose.

So evaluate what you want in your blogging life and then create it! Forget the rest!

Feeling quite sheepish,
CB Webmaster

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